North Macedonia
Site Partner
Macedonia 2025 is a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization that is dedicated to helping create a prosperous economic climate in North Macedonia. Their mission is to assist in positioning North Macedonia as a preferred destination for foreign direct investment, promote transparency within government and corporate practices, and inspire future business leaders in North Macedonia. North Macedonia has a thriving spirit of entrepreneurship, which through Macedonia 2025 is nurtured, and leadership skills are transferred to business professionals to achieve superior and sustainable performance. Macedonia 2025 has been our Site Partner since 2008.
Click here to learn more about Macedonia 2025.
Program Participants
Participants range in age from early 20s to late 40s from different industries and backgrounds
Participants have either started their own business or are at a director level or above at a startup
LEADERite Testimonial
Michael Misko
Skopje 2022
“One of my favourite parts of the day was the coaching sessions that we offered at the end of each class. These sessions allowed students to work with coaches to refine their business pitches in preparation for the contest at the end of the program. The coaching sessions gave me a unique insight on problems many Macedonians faced as the students were solving these problems through their business pitches. It was a very rewarding experience to work with students to refine their business pitches and witness them deliver their ideas to the judges on the final day. The hospitality of the Northern Macedonian people was something I will never forget, and I look forward to returning one day.”
Click here to read more about Michael’s experience in North Macedonia.
Site Location

On Site Classroom, North Macedonia, 2023

Site Team, North Macedonia, 2023

Site Team and Participants, North Macedonia, 2023

Site Team, North Macedonia, 2023