Our Story

Fall of the Berlin Wall, Germany, 1989

Soviet Troops in Vilnius, Russia, 1991
May 1991 marked the beginning of the LEADER Project. Two Western (now the Ivey School of Business) Masters of Business Administration (MBA) students Scott Hellofs and Paul Fitzgerald initiated Project USSR (as the LEADER Project was then called) to respond to the challenges in the Former Soviet Union. The students approached Professor Paul Beamish, Director of the Western Business School's Centre for International Business Studies, for financial support and advice.
Professor Beamish established a number of criteria for the Project, in that it should provide students with opportunities which complemented the business school's existing exchange programs, be administered, and run by students, and have a full-time faculty advisor. Professor Beamish also stressed that the program needed to be large enough to be worth the school's efforts, yet modest enough to be sustainable. Growth, if it did occur, should take place slowly.

Vilnius, Lithuania, 1995